(Offer good through 10/29/2024)

Scrolling through Scripture Online Courses

Even if you don't know the Lord's Language, Hebrew, you still can access the original words of the Bible, delving way deeper than any translation.

In our debut Scrolling through Scripture teachings, Rabbi Daniel Lapin walks you verse by verse through the Torah, the Bible, decoding the original Hebrew text via the lens of ancient Jewish wisdom. Currently, there are two units. Genesis: Creation Unit 1 focuses on the six days of Creation and Foundational Principles from the beginning of Genesis. Genesis: Creation Unit 2 focuses on what appears to be a repetition of the Creation tale in Genesis 2:4-24, and reveals why this second viewpoint is vital for successfully navigating our daily lives.

The Book of Ruth: Chorus of Connection, presents a compelling story of love, family and redemption. Yet, it is so much more. Rather than being a story from the past, Ruth is a roadmap for the present. Starting as it does with famine and dysfunctional government and family, we gain hope and optimism as we follow the tale through its redemptive ending with the birth of David, future king of Israel.

Genesis: Creation
Units 1 & 2

Click Here to Order

The Book of Ruth:
Chorus of Connection

Click Here to Order
Learn More About the Courses

Why listen to a rabbi?

Our students come from many faiths - or none at all. They share a deep desire to discover the multi-layered meaning of the original Hebrew text, much of which is lost in translation.

Whether you are Jewish, Christian, pastor, small group leader, or an individual desiring to learn more about your Creator, these courses are for you. 

Each course is paired with a study guide to help you (or your small group) go into more depth, have more meaningful discussions, and learn more about the Hebrew language.


Scripture comes to life.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin has made it his life's work to teach the Torah's timeless truths to people of every faith and background. He draws on the 3,000+ years of ancient Jewish wisdom and the oral transmission that he learned from his family and teachers. His entertaining and easy-to-follow style will shine a beam of clarity on many of life's challenges.

Individuals around the world, as well as pastors, rabbis and small group leaders, expand their understanding with the Scrolling through Scripture courses.

As students delve more into the Creator's guide to His world, they gain the tools to become better spouses, parents, community members and leaders.

(Curious about licensing one of our courses for your small group study or for a church, synagogue or business? Click here for more information.)

"I loved this course. The depth of the Hebrew language is amazing and has truly given me greater understanding. All the hidden gems of the precision of God's creation continues to amaze me. Thank you. I can't wait to dive into more of your courses." 
~Darren R.

"I had an equivalent of a year of Hebrew in seminary and received absolutely none of this information or insight! Truly amazing!"
~Rev. David P.


"The lessons are thoughtfully composed, just the right length to learn well two or three concepts each. It is nice to be able to go back and review parts of previous lessons. I am very much enjoying learning Hebrew bit by bit and the deeper meanings of words."
~Stephen S.



Scrolling through Scripture


Join us for enlightening courses taught by "America's Rabbi" - Rabbi Daniel Lapin.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin walks you through the Torah, the Bible, decoding the original Hebrew text via the lens of 3,000 years of ancient Jewish wisdom.

You’ll work at your own speed and discover yourself starting to recognize the Hebrew letters and words that reveal how the world really works.

Genesis: Creation, Unit 1, starts with Genesis Chapter 1:1, wending its way through the six days of Creation and culminating with Chapter 2:3, the actual stopping place for this section. It covers foundational principles for successful living that are introduced in the first chapter of Genesis, and is the longest of our courses with 20 video lessons. Watch a Free Lesson of Unit 1 Here.

Genesis: Creation, Unit 2, is a 10-lesson course, which focuses on what appears to be a repetition of the Creation tale in Genesis 2:4-24, and unpacks why this second viewpoint is vital for successfully navigating our daily lives. Watch a Free Lesson of Unit 2 Here.

The Book of Ruth: Chorus of Connection, is a 12-lesson course that presents a compelling story of love, family and redemption. Yet, it is so much more. Rather than being a story from the past, Ruth is a roadmap for the present. Watch a Free Lesson of the Book of Ruth Here.

All Scrolling through Scripture teachings include downloadable pdfs of the graphics shown in each lesson as well as a study guide for deeper immersion. A short quiz follows each lesson to cement your newfound knowledge. (If you need help, we’ll provide it!) You will be amazed at how much you will learn by listening to the videos, viewing the graphics, and thinking about and discussing the extra material in the study guide.

Sign Up Today 

Deepen your understanding of the Bible, and receive practical guidance and ancient solutions for today’s modern problems while studying with Rabbi Daniel Lapin.


Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 1


20% OFF! On Sale for $180.00

Become familiar with the Foundational Principles for life that are found in Genesis chapter 1. Expand your understanding by discovering the secrets found in  the original Hebrew and what they mean for your life today. Move through the 20 exciting lessons in Unit One at your own pace.

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Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 2


20% OFF! On Sale for $92.00

Continue the journey into the original Hebrew and its messages for you. Unit 2, a 10-session program, focuses on what appears to be a repetition of the Creation tale in Genesis 2:4-24. Move through these exciting lessons at your own pace.

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Scrolling through Scripture - The Book of Ruth: Chorus of Connection


20% OFF! On Sale for $55.20

One of the best-known and most beloved books of Scripture, the book of Ruth presents a compelling story of love, family and redemption. A 12-session program, it contains messages for our times describing how to build a successful society and how individuals best flourish. 

Enroll Now
Genesis-Creation Bundle Unit 1 & 2 For $265

Meet Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, known worldwide as America’s Rabbi, is a noted rabbinic scholar, popular international speaker and best-selling author. He hosts the Rabbi Daniel Lapin podcast and for many years co-hosted the Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV Show on the TCT network with his wife, Susan. He is one of America’s most eloquent speakers and his ability to extract life principles from the Bible and transmit them in an entertaining manner, thus improving peoples’ finances, family, and community life has brought countless numbers of Jews and Christians closer to their respective faiths. Pairing his inheritance as a descendant of a multi-generational rabbinical family with his background in science and business, he teaches ancient Jewish wisdom in an unparalleled manner.

Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin coined the phrase ancient Jewish wisdom to describe the oral transmission first conveyed from God to Moses at Mount Sinai. This transmission has been faithfully passed down through the generations and much of it is revealed in the original Hebrew of the Torah. Through his teachings, Rabbi Daniel & Susan provide access to all who wish to benefit from this treasure trove.



  • Why there is no conflict between religion and science.
  • Why God does not say that the second day of Creation is good.
  • Why the first section of Genesis actually concludes only after the first 3 verses of chapter 2.
  • What special qualities the Hebrew letters א, ה and ו , possess.
  • The unifying theme throughout this account of Creation.


  • Why there seem to be two accounts of Creation.
  • How spelling “mistakes” in the Bible reveal coded material.
  • Why dismissing duplicate language like “eat, you shall eat” as poetic, misses the point. 
  • The spiritual source of many of our physical problems.


  • What similar ideas highlight both a good marriage and a good government?
  • What is the connection between fertility and prosperity?
  • Can Seduction and Sanctity co-exist?
  • Why does King David come from a line of rather strange encounters?
  • How do you avoid the pitfalls in charitable giving?
  • Can societies in decline reverse course? How?
  • Can love banish pain and can joy build fortresses?

"Please allow me to express my immense gratitude for the Scrolling through Scripture course. I have been truly enlightened to the Word of God in a way I never thought imaginable, and I now find myself consciously attempting to apply His Wisdom to my every day life. I've shared the course and your website with my 17 year old daughter, and we found ourselves just this morning engaged in an extensive conversation about the first line of Genesis. What a wonderful and miraculous diversion from the customary 'drama' of a high school senior. You and Susan, and the work you are doing are an absolute blessing to me and my family. While anxiously awaiting Unit 2, I plan to review Unit 1 in its entirety. I have a feeling that the Lessons will take on even deeper meaning the second time around. Thank you so much for all you do to share your wisdom with us!" ~ Dawn J.


It is hard to tackle challenges with joy and confidence when life’s burdens sap one’s freedom and vitality, and when each new day seems to present toil and adversity. With today’s uncertainties, you can find peace and confidence in those principles and timeless truths that never change.

Out of all the books, audio teachings, speeches and courses Rabbi Daniel Lapin has developed over the years, he strongly feels that Scrolling through Scripture is the pinnacle of his life's work.

Daniel Lapin was born into a prestigious Torah family. He was a student of his father, Rabbi A.H. Lapin, who served the Jewish communities in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa. Like his father before him, Rabbi Lapin was privileged to learn with his great-uncle, the esteemed Rav Elya Lopian. In addition, he learned in yeshivas (Torah schools) in England and Israel as well as studying physics, engineering and mathematics in S. Africa. After establishing a boat-building business in Johannesburg, Rabbi Daniel immigrated to the U.S. where, along with Michael Medved, he founded the Pacific Jewish Center in California, a groundbreaking initiative that introduced thousands of Jews to their religious heritage.

Scrolling through Scripture material originated in classes that Rabbi Lapin taught at the Pacific Jewish Center. Now many years later, and with the advancement of technology, he has made this material accessible to anyone with an interest the Bible, regardless of their faith background.

Life is short, and it has never been a better time to find how the world REALLY works.


Sign Up Today 

Deepen your understanding of the Bible, and receive practical guidance and ancient solutions for today’s modern problems while studying with Rabbi Daniel Lapin.


Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 1


20% OFF! On Sale for $180.00

Become familiar with the Foundational Principles for life that are found in Genesis chapter 1. Expand your understanding by discovering the secrets found in  the original Hebrew and what they mean for your life today. Move through the 20 exciting lessons in Unit One at your own pace.

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Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 2


20% OFF! On Sale for $92.00

Continue the journey into the original Hebrew and its messages for you. Unit 2, a 10-session program, focuses on what appears to be a repetition of the Creation tale in Genesis 2:4-24. Move through these exciting lessons at your own pace.

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Scrolling through Scripture - The Book of Ruth: Chorus of Connection


20% OFF! On Sale for $55.20

One of the best-known and most beloved books of Scripture, the book of Ruth presents a compelling story of love, family and redemption. A 12-session program, it contains messages for our times describing how to build a successful society and how individuals best flourish.

Enroll Now
Genesis-Creation Bundle Unit 1 & 2 For $265

Frequently Asked Questions


"I absolutely loved the depth of the teaching in Scrolling through Scripture. In 2012 I purchased your Library Pack and late in 2013 discovered Ancient Jewish Wisdom. I've been a devoted student ever since. STS increased my understanding of what I'd already learned in addition to giving me many exciting "aha" moments about how the world really works, Thank you Rabbi Lapin for making these teachings available."
~Pam K.


Sign Up Today 

Deepen your understanding of the Bible, and receive practical guidance and ancient solutions for today’s modern problems while studying with Rabbi Daniel Lapin.


Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 1


20% OFF! On Sale for $180.00

Become familiar with the Foundational Principles for life that are found in Genesis chapter 1. Expand your understanding by discovering the secrets found in  the original Hebrew and what they mean for your life today. Move through the 20 exciting lessons in Unit One at your own pace.

Enroll Now

Scrolling through Scripture - Genesis: Creation - Unit 2


20% OFF! On Sale for $92.00

Continue the journey into the original Hebrew and its messages for you. Unit 2, a 10-session program, focuses on what appears to be a repetition of the Creation tale in Genesis 2:4-24. Move through these exciting lessons at your own pace.

Enroll Now

Scrolling through Scripture - The Book of Ruth: Chorus of Connection


20% OFF! On Sale for $55.20

One of the best-known and most beloved books of Scripture, the book of Ruth presents a compelling story of love, family and redemption. A 12-session program, it contains messages for our times describing how to build a successful society and how individuals best flourish.

Enroll Now
Genesis-Creation Bundle Unit 1 & 2 For $265