We Happy Warriors Special Access

Learn More About Special Access Membership

Enter Our Inner Circle

While we appreciate all of our We Happy Warrior Basic members, we’re delighted that you want to explore Special Access membership.

In addition to all Basic member perks like admission to the community discussions, challenges, podcast archives, Eye on Israel video interviews, and the complete library of weekly blogs and audio blogs, we welcome Special Access members joining us in a deeper relationship, including: 

  • Monthly 1-hour LIVE video chats with Rabbi Daniel and Susan. Past events have ranged from a discussion of what makes a good marriage, to biblical approaches to finance, to studies of individual books of the Bible like Jonah and Esther. In real-time, members ask questions and join in the conversation, but if the timing doesn’t work for you, the calls are recorded.

  • Lapin Lens - Audio commentaries on news stories and current events. So often, Rabbi Daniel and Susan share thoughts with each other at their kitchen table on news stories they are reading, or current events swirling around them. Get a window to their world, as they share these thoughts with you on a regular basis.

  • Full Digital Library ($375+ value!). Rabbi Daniel and Susan have put out so many audio and visual teachings that are for sale in our store. As a Special Access member, the Genesis Journeys Set, Biblical Blueprint Set, as well as 8+ ebooks, and two video teachings, and more will be in your personal e-library.

  • Each month, one of the above audio teachings becomes available for a permanent download. As a Special Access member you can accumulate your personal Rabbi Daniel Lapin library.
  • All Special Access members receive exclusive discounts on Online Courses at wehappywarriors.com as well as on resources in our store at rabbidaniellapin.com.
  • Bonus content. Special Access members enjoy recordings of several of Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s speeches, interviews, and other content that is not readily available elsewhere.
  • Complete access to a library of Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV episodes. Ancient Jewish Wisdom with Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin has consistently been one of the most popular shows on the TCT network. These 30-minute episodes offer timeless wisdom in the areas of Faith, Family, Finances, Friendships, and Fitness.

  • Weekly Deep Dive videos. So often, after writing a Thought Tool, Ask the Rabbi, or Susan’s Musing, Rabbi Daniel and Susan wish they had said more. Sometimes, comments from readers spur them to want to add more. In these short, weekly, video messages they go deeper into one of their articles or teachings, and/or share information on holidays and other special occasions.
Join the inner circle of We Happy Warriors! Become a Special Access member today!

Member Highlights


Ancient Solutions For Modern Problems

We Happy Warriors is an online membership platform lead by Rabbi Daniel & Susan Lapin. 

We use the phrase Happy Warriors because to throw yourself into the fight is one thing, but to do all that with a debonair smile on your face and a jaunty pace to your stride all while generating an irrepressible surge of happiness welling up in your soul—well, that means you are spiritually grounded in everything that is life-affirming.

It means being devoted to your faith, your family, your finances and your friends. It means that you transform timidity to triumph and displace the divided counsels of doubt with the steady eyes and firm hearts of those who know where they are going and just how they are going to get there. Being a happy warrior means being a gentle giant with a huge and humble heart.


Rabbi Daniel & Susan Lapin Provide You With Over 3,000 Years of Ancient Jewish Wisdom in the Areas That Matter Most In Your Life

  • Family - All aspects of family dynamics, male/female relationships and child raising
  • Financial - The morality of money, revenue growth, profit strategies, partnership power, & tech perils and potential
  • Faith - Spiritual / religious integration & identifying life-purpose
  • Friendship - Nurturing friendship and community
  • Fitness - Taming the body for a more fulfilling life

We Happy Warriors Special Access


  • Monthly 1-hour LIVE video chats with Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin
  • Admission to the We Happy Warriors Community: Exclusive Discussions, Challenges, and more.
  • Unlimited Access to Thought Tools, Susan’s Musings, Ask the Rabbi and Searchable Library (Non-members are limited to reading 3 articles per month.)
  • Audio recordings of weekly teachings
  • The RDL Podcast Discussion Forum 
  • Fully indexed Podcast Library Archives 
  • Complete access to hundreds of Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV episodes
  • Weekly Deep Dive videos by Rabbi Daniel & Susan Lapin
  • Lapin Lens - Audio commentaries on news stories and current events
  • Eye on Israel: On the Ground Video Interviews
  • Mobile Apps - Access your Library, Member Benefits and Community Feed (iOS or Android)
  • Full Digital Library ($375+ Value!) including:
    • Ebooks:
      • Aleph-Bet
      • America's Real War
      • Buried Treasure
      • Chart Your Course
      • Dear Rabbi and Susan
      • The Holistic You
      • Thought Tools Volumes 1, 2 & 3
    • Audio Teachings:
      • Biblical Blueprint Set (5 hours Audio)
      • Genesis Journeys Set (8 hours Audio)
      • Prosperity Power: Connect for Succe$$ and Boost Your Income audio teachings (3 hours)
      • How to Lead Your Own Passover Seder audio set (3 hours)
    • The Art of Making Challah (video)
    • Chart Your Course - Together With Us (Bonus Videos)
  • 15% Store Discount
  • 15% Online Course Discount

We Happy Warrior Special Access Plus


Get One Month Free with Annual Membership.

  • Monthly 1-hour LIVE video chats with Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin
  • Admission to the We Happy Warriors Community: Exclusive Discussions, Challenges, and more.
  • Unlimited Access to Thought Tools, Susan’s Musings, Ask the Rabbi and Searchable Library (Non-members are limited to reading 3 articles per month.)
  • Audio recordings of weekly teachings
  • The RDL Podcast Discussion Forum 
  • Fully indexed Podcast Library Archives 
  • Complete access to hundreds of Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV episodes
  • Weekly Deep Dive videos by Rabbi Daniel & Susan Lapin
  • Lapin Lens - Audio commentaries on news stories and current events
  • Eye on Israel: On the Ground Video Interviews
  • Mobile Apps - Access your Library, Member Benefits and Community Feed (iOS or Android)
  • Full Digital Library ($375+ Value!) including:
    • Ebooks:
      • Aleph-Bet
      • America's Real War
      • Buried Treasure
      • Chart Your Course
      • Dear Rabbi and Susan
      • The Holistic You
      • Thought Tools Volumes 1, 2 & 3
    • Audio Teachings:
      • Biblical Blueprint Set (5 hours Audio)
      • Genesis Journeys Set (8 hours Audio)
      • Prosperity Power: Connect for Succe$$ and Boost Your Income audio teachings (3 hours)
      • How to Lead Your Own Passover Seder audio set (3 hours)
    • The Art of Making Challah (video)
    • Chart Your Course - Together With Us (Bonus Videos)
  • 20% Store Discount
  • 20% Online Course Discount
  • Bonus branded gift

Are you already a Basic Member and eager to upgrade for more access?

Click here to easily migrate to the Special Access plan.